What I Believe

Posted by Byron Pendason on February 15, 2023 CE, in , , , , , , , , , , ,

Wes hāl!1 I’m going to do something a little different today. I’m going to provide the fundamentals of what I believe as far as religion goes. I doubt anyone is going to agree with everything, and some people might not agree with any of it. That’s okay, I don’t base my friendships on agreement, but rather mutual interests and respect. Still, I think it could be helpful to some to see what one version of Fyrnsidu might look like (and again, this is only one version of it). My beliefs are always in flux, so these might not be applicable in a year, but since I’m providing the fundamentals upon which I have built my religion, I doubt any of these will change any time soon.

I will not be providing any justifications of these beliefs, as I’m only trying to show what a developed Fyrnsidu might look like. I am, of course, open to respectful and nonconfrontational discussion of any of these points. You can leave a comment below or ask questions on Discord. The main basis for my religious beliefs are my understanding of the culture and religion of the Anglo-Saxons, as updated to be applicable to the modern world, but you may recognise some ideas from other sources as well.

Well, I think that about covers what I would consider the fundamentals of my personal faith. So until next time, beo gesund!1

  1. Wes hāl and Beo gesund are Old English greetings and farewells that literally mean Be well/whole/healthy. The first seemed to be more common among the Anglian dialects and the second more common among the Saxon dialects. I prefer to use both though, the first as a greeting and the second as a farewell.  2

  2. My view on this is similar to the “science” of psychohistory in Asimov’s Sci-Fi Foundation series where the actions of individuals cannot be predicted but the actions of larger groups of people over longer time spans can be predicted with uncanny accuracy.